Honey Bears Preschool & Childcare
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Alphabet / Phonics
Honey Bears Preschool & Childcare Services
Arts and Crafts
Upper and lowercase letter recognition will be taught along with their sound. Children will learn Phonics and Writing.
Every day your child will have a phonics lesson. Teaching will evolve from learning single letters sounds, then letter blends, to finally reading words and short story books.
Our Curriculum
At Honey Bears Preschool & Childcare, our goal is to prepare each child with a learning foundation that will follow them throughout their school career. Our curriculum is taken from Mother Goose Time, which aligns with the "California Preschool Learning Foundations". Your child will learn: Alphabet, numbers, phonics, writing, math and science.
Children will learn number recognition, counting, simple addition and subtraction, patterns and sequence, matching, shapes and graphs.
Children are encourage to express their own creativity during arts and crafts. There will be many open ended projects where materials will be available for children to create their version of a project.
While developing large motor skills, your child will have the opportunity to slide, ride cars and bikes, toss bean bags, play in the water table or sand box, draw with sidewalk chalk, bounce balls, hop, jump and run.This is a time for them to socialize and burn off lots of energy.
Outside play